Super easy steps to glam up your living spaces

November 12, 2018


There are no substitutes to wallpaper in terms of class and fashion. However, people always tend to take a step back when it comes to pasting them. Yes, your walls are important and you cannot afford any mishaps but pasting wallpaper is certainly a walk in the park. It is simple and not at all tedious, you don’t need a professional here, all you need is a handful of tools such as a pocket knife, pencil, a bucket filled with warm water, wallpaper brush, and a sponge for cleaning. All set? Let’s go!

One small step is all that is needed to start an enthralling journey. Similarly, the incredible journey to revamp your bedroom with the perfect wallpaper for bedroom walls starts with a small but very important step.

The first step is the most important step of the lot. Zig Zigler, motivational speaker and author of ‘See you at the top’ once said “You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great” And this is certainly no exception when it comes to hanging wallpapers.

First Step:

The basic step is to understand your requirements. Vinyl and printed wallpapers are tailor-made for the fancy walls of your bedroom or dining. People always tend to get confused between waterproof and washable wallpaper. In reality, there is nothing like waterproof wallpaperNormally people who are searching for Waterproof wallpaper are looking for instant solutions for the moisture-laden walls. However, wallpaper, irrespective of its type, tends topeel off from the damp wall surface due to the presence of moisture.

Washable wallpapers have nothing to do with the moisture-laden walls. These are basically those wallpapers which can be easily cleaned by a sponge or shampoo.

Remember, wallpaper can’t cling on dirty and dust dominated walls. This is why it is advised to wipe the wall clean with the help of a sponge. Don’t rush! Even your wall needs time. Leave it alone and wait for it to dry automatically.

Second Step:

After the wall is dried, the real show begins. Cut the wallpaper in accordance with the wall size and you are all set to go. If it is paperback wallpaper, you can simply apply an adhesive on its backside. However, if it is non-woven wallpaper for bedroom walls or bold printed dining room wallpaper then using an adhesive on the backside is a strict no-no. In that case, you can simply apply the adhesive on the walls and paste your wallpaper without dropping a sweat. You can apply the same for washable wallpapers which are often mistaken as waterproof wallpaper.

Final Step:

Take out the strip of your wallpaper. Play safe! Begin at the topmost left-hand corner of the wall, and carefully align the strip until it is perfectly straight. Approximately, stretch out 12 inches of paper and align it to the top of the wall.

It’s time to unleash the wallpaper brush. Unroll the paper slowly and use your wallpaper brush in order to smooth it down by preventing wrinkles and air bubbles. Trim any leftover and repeat the same process.

Sit back and now enjoy the magic unfold right in front of your eyes.

Be it dining room wallpaper or 3D wallpaper, don’t get shy of it, follow these simple steps and revamp your living space in style that too by yourself.



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There are no substitutes to wallpaper in terms of class and fashion. However, people always tend to take a step back when it comes to pasting them. Yes, your walls are important and you cannot afford any mishaps but pasting wallpaper is certainly a walk in the park. It is simple and not at all tedious, you don’t need a professional here, all you need is a handful of tools such as a pocket knife, pencil, a bucket filled with warm water, wallpaper brush, and a sponge for cleaning. All set? Let’s go!

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There are no substitutes to wallpaper in terms of class and fashion. However, people always tend to take a step back when it comes to pasting them. Yes, your walls are important and you cannot afford any mishaps but pasting wallpaper is certainly a walk in the park. It is simple and not at all tedious, you don’t need a professional here, all you need is a handful of tools such as a pocket knife, pencil, a bucket filled with warm water, wallpaper brush, and a sponge for cleaning. All set? Let’s go!

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Excel’s Latest Wallpaper Collections: A Sneak Peek

There are no substitutes to wallpaper in terms of class and fashion. However, people always tend to take a step back when it comes to pasting them. Yes, your walls are important and you cannot afford any mishaps but pasting wallpaper is certainly a walk in the park. It is simple and not at all tedious, you don’t need a professional here, all you need is a handful of tools such as a pocket knife, pencil, a bucket filled with warm water, wallpaper brush, and a sponge for cleaning. All set? Let’s go!

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