How to Understand Wall Issues Pre-Installing Wallpapers


How to Understand Wall Issues Pre-Installing Wallpapers

At Excel Home Decor, we understand that creating the perfect living space is more than just selecting beautiful designs; it's about ensuring your home is both structurally sound and aesthetically pleasing. That's why we're here to help you recognize the signs of damage before you embark on your home decor journey with the best wallpapers for home walls in India.


Water damage can be a significant threat to your dream home's structural integrity and overall aesthetics. Ignoring the early signs of leaks can lead to more extensive problems down the line, affecting both the foundation and appearance of your beloved space.


When it comes to dealing with water damage while planning to adorn your walls with wallpapers, things can get a bit tricky.

Here's why.

Warning Signs Your Walls Need Fixing Pre-Installing Wallpapers



1. Sticky Situation

Wallpapers and wet walls aren't the best of friends. All kinds of wallpapers be it designer ones require a dry surface to adhere correctly, and any presence of water can lead to peeling or bubbling, ruining the desired look.


Testing Wall or Ceiling Absorbency

Doing a simple water test helps address the situation. 


To perform it, simply:

  • Apply water with a brush or roller.

  • Observe the surface's reaction.


For Non-absorbent Surface:

  • If water beads up or forms pearls, it's not absorbent.


For Highly Absorbent Surfaces:

  • Immediate absorption and darkening of the surface.

  • May exhibit hairline cracks.


Signs of dampness

These include dark spots, mildew, or mould on walls or ceilings.

To assess the extent of dampness, a moisture metre is ideal, but not everyone has one.

An alternative method is the tin foil test:

  • Cover the damp area with tin foil and leave it for 24 hours.

  • If condensation forms under the foil when you remove it, the wall needs thorough drying before further treatment.

  • Consider repeating the foil test if necessary.


2. Mould Mayhem

Water damage often acts as an open invitation for mould to join the party. Simply covering it up won't resolve the issue; it might trap mould behind the coverings, which can be detrimental to your indoor air quality and health.

If you notice swelling walls, peeling paint, ceiling stains, or swollen drywall, these are clear signs of water damage. Before you consider installing, for instance, luxury wallpapers in your living rooms, it's crucial to address these problems promptly and prioritize water damage repairs.

Severe water damage can weaken the structural integrity of your walls. It's essential to resolve this issue before even thinking about enhancing your walls with coverings.


3. Looks Matter

Even if the structural integrity remains intact, water damage can significantly impact the appearance of your wall coverings. Stains and uneven surfaces caused by water damage can be a significant disappointment when trying to achieve a flawless and polished look for your home decor.

However, there are ways to check for wall or ceiling firmness to maximise the chances of getting a polished look.

Check Wall/Ceiling Firmness


Surface Firmness

  • Determine how firm the wall/ceiling surface is.

  • Assess firmness by running your hand over the surface.

  • If your hand leaves a white mark or if the surface feels sandy, it needs attention.

Pressure Test

  • Test surface stability by pressing your thumbnail against it.

  • If the surface chips or leaves a dent, it's unsuitable for wallpaper.

Checking Old Paint

  • Examine old paint or paint residues exposed after wallpaper removal.

  • Cut a small cross on the surface with a cutter knife.

  • Apply sticky tape, press firmly, and remove it quickly.

  • If paint bits stick to the tape, the surface isn't firm enough.

Distemper Paint

Distemper paint contains water-soluble glues and requires special handling.

  • Identify distemper paint by dampening the area and rubbing it.

  • If it feels like wallpaper paste and sticks to your fingers, it's likely distemper paint.

HOMEFEST: This Festive Season, Beautiful Walls Made Easy

This festive season, before you embark on your home decor journey with Excel Home Decor, it's vital to ensure that your walls are in optimal condition ahead of the festive season. Identifying and addressing water damage issues promptly will not only preserve the structural integrity of your home but also ensure that your chosen wallcoverings shine in all their glory. So, let's make sure your dream home is the epitome of beauty, comfort, and functionality with Excel’s versatile range of designer and luxury wallpapers for living rooms and bedrooms.



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At Excel Home Decor, we understand that creating the perfect living space is more than just selecting beautiful designs; it's about ensuring your home is both structurally sound and aesthetically pleasing. That's why we're here to help you recognize the signs of damage before you embark on your home decor journey with the best wallpapers for home walls in India.

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Excel’s Latest Wallpaper Collections: A Sneak Peek

At Excel Home Decor, we understand that creating the perfect living space is more than just selecting beautiful designs; it's about ensuring your home is both structurally sound and aesthetically pleasing. That's why we're here to help you recognize the signs of damage before you embark on your home decor journey with the best wallpapers for home walls in India.

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Excel’s Latest Wallpaper Collections: A Sneak Peek

At Excel Home Decor, we understand that creating the perfect living space is more than just selecting beautiful designs; it's about ensuring your home is both structurally sound and aesthetically pleasing. That's why we're here to help you recognize the signs of damage before you embark on your home decor journey with the best wallpapers for home walls in India.

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